Date and time

Save the date:

July 14, 2023

rain or shine

10am start

Ralph Myhre Golf Course
Middlebury, VT

Web site privacy policy

Here is how the Wish Kids Golf Classic collects, uses, protects, and disseminates information about and to our visitors through this site. As our site and its features change, we will update this policy; notices of such updates will be posted on the homepage.

Non-personally identifying information collection and use

We use Google Analytics to track aggregate site traffic data to see how visitors use our site and to improve it. (Google privacy policy) We don’t collect personally identifying information about our visitors in this way. We may sometimes share aggregate data with people who work on our Web site or event or on similar sites, events, or causes.

We sometimes set cookies to understand how the site is used or to keep users from seeing certain content repeatedly. We don’t collect personally identifying information this way.

Personally identifying information collection and use

We collect some personally identifying information when site visitors take these actions:

  • sign up for notification of open of online auction
  • contact us about sponsoring the tournament
  • contact us about donating to the silent auction or tournament

In each case, you contact us by email. We then collect the information necessary to fulfill your request, use it only to process your request and communicate with you, and do not share it with other parties except as required to execute your request.

We also collect limited personally identifying information through third-party online service providers when site visitors take any of the following actions:

  • register to bid in our online auction
  • bid in our online auction
  • register for the tournament

In taking these actions, you leave our site and proceed to a service provider’s site (auction: ReadySetAuction!; tournament registration: RegOnline). We use information they collect for us only to process your request and communicate with you, and don’t share it with others except to execute your request. When you send us information through one of these providers, however, you do so through a third-party site governed by its own privacy policy and ultimately outside our control. We are satisfied with their privacy policies and practices, but advise you to review these yourself before using them.

Identifying information about our site’s users cannot currently be accessed through this Web site.

© 2008- Wish Kids Golf Classic and Co-operative Insurance Companies

PO Box 5890, Middlebury, VT 05753-5890   |

privacy policy

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